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Theory Biosci ; 141(2): 73-103, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35471494


This paper is aimed at demonstrating that some geometrical and topological transformations and operations serve not only as promoters of many specific genetic and cellular events in multicellular living organisms, but also as initiators of the organization and regulation of their functions. Thus, changes in the form and structure of macromolecular and cellular systems must be directly associated to their functions. There are specific classes of enzymes that manipulate the geometry and topology of complex DNA-protein structures, and thereby they perform many important cellular processes, including segregation of daughter chromosomes, gene regulation, and DNA repair. We argue that form has an organizing power, hence a causal action, in the sense that it enables to induce functional events during different biological processes, at the supramolecular, cellular, and organismal levels of organization. Clearly, topological forms must be matched with specific kinetic and dynamical parameters to have a functional effectiveness in living systems. This effectiveness is remarkably apparent, to give an example, in the regulation of the genome functions and in cell activity. In more general terms, we try to show that the conformational plasticity of biological systems depends on different kinds of topological manipulations performed by specific families of enzymes. In doing so, they catalyze all those spatial and dynamical changes of biological structures that are suitable for the functions to be acted by the organism.

DNA , Genoma , Regulação da Expressão Gênica
Actual. osteol ; 13(3): 225-232, Sept - DIc. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1117386


El esqueleto es uno de los sistemas más grandes de un vertebrado y, como tal, es razonable especular que no puede funcionar aislado del resto del organismo. De hecho, sabemos que existen sistemas complejos de regulación cruzada entre el esqueleto y muchos otros órganos. Hoy poseemos herramientas que nos permiten realizar supresión genética en células o tejidos específicos. Esto nos ha permitido comprender cómo los órganos se comunican entre sí y ha revitalizado el concepto de fisiología del organismo como un todo. Efectivamente, los últimos años han sido testigos del descubrimiento de funciones inesperadas que ejerce el esqueleto y que afectan al organismo en su totalidad. Una de tales funciones reconocidas recientemente es el control del metabolismo energético, a través de la secreción de osteocalcina. La osteocalcina es una hormona producida por los osteoblastos que regula la secreción de insulina, la sensibilidad a esta hormona y el metabolismo energético. Los hallazgos iniciales suscitaron varias preguntas fundamentales sobre la naturaleza de la acción de la insulina sobre el hueso. Pero esto solo fue la punta del iceberg. Efectivamente, más adelante se descubrió, mediante el análisis de ratones que carecen del receptor de insulina (Ins R) solamente en osteoblastos, que la acción de la insulina sobre estas células favorecía la homeostasis de la glucosa en todo el cuerpo. Es importante destacar que esta función de la insulina en los osteoblastos opera mediante la regulación negativa de la carboxilación y la biodisponibilidad de la osteocalcina. Más aún, se observó que las vías de señalización de la insulina en los osteoblastos regulan positivamente no solo la formación sino también la resorción del hueso. Curiosamente, parece que las vías de señalización de la insulina en osteoblastos pueden inducir la activación de la osteocalcina mediante la estimulación de la actividad de los osteoclastos. De hecho, el bajo pH generado durante la resorción ósea es suficiente para desencadenar la descarboxilación (y subsiguiente activación) de la osteocalcina. En breve discutiremos dos nuevas proposiciones: 1) los osteoblastos son un blanco utilizado por la insulina para controlar la homeostasis de la glucosa en todo el organismo y 2) la resorción ósea desempeña un papel fundamental en la regulación de la activación de la osteocalcina. (AU)

The skeleton is one of the biggest systems in a vertebrate animal and, as such, it is reasonable to speculate that it cannot function isolated from the rest of the organism. In fact, we know that complex systems exist for the cross-regulation between the skeleton and several other organs. Today, we have the tools that allow us to perform genetic suppression in specific cells or tissues. This has allow us understand the mechanisms by which the organs communicate with each other and has revitalized the concept of organismal physiology as a whole. Studies conducted in recent years have uncovered unexpected functions performed by the skeleton. One of these is the control of global energy metabolism, through the secretion of osteocalcin, a protein produced by osteoblasts that acts as a hormone regulating insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity and energy expenditure. The evidence comes from the analysis of mice lacking insulin receptor (InsR) exclusively in osteoblasts. These mice have a global metabolic phenotype demonstrating that the action of insulin in osteoblasts promotes the homeostasis of glucose throughout the body. This action of insulin in osteoblasts is mediated by the negative regulation of the carboxylation (and bioavailability) of osteocalcin. The decarboxylation (and activation) of osteocalcin, in turn, occurs in the osteoclastic resorption pit. Briefly: the osteoblast is a target used by insulin to control the homeostasis of glucose throughout the body and bone resorption is the mechanism that regulates the activation of osteocalcin. (AU)

Humanos , Animais , Camundongos , Osteocalcina/biossíntese , Metabolismo Energético , Insulina/biossíntese , Osteoblastos/metabolismo , Osteogênese , Esqueleto/fisiologia , Esqueleto/metabolismo , Reabsorção Óssea/metabolismo , Receptor de Insulina/metabolismo , Transdução de Sinais , Osteocalcina/metabolismo , Descarboxilação , Secreção de Insulina , Glucose/biossíntese , Glucose/metabolismo , Insulina/metabolismo
Biotechnol Adv ; 35(1): 20-30, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27867004


By combining advanced omics technology and computational modeling, systems biologists have identified and inferred thousands of regulatory events and system-wide interactions of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis, which is commonly used both in the laboratory and in industry. This dissection of the multiple layers of regulatory networks and their interactions has provided invaluable information for unraveling regulatory mechanisms and guiding metabolic engineering. In this review, we discuss recent advances in the systems biology and metabolic engineering of B. subtilis and highlight current gaps in our understanding of global metabolism and global pathway engineering in this organism. We also propose future perspectives in the systems biology of B. subtilis and suggest ways that this approach can be used to guide metabolic engineering. Specifically, although hundreds of regulatory events have been identified or inferred via systems biology approaches, systematic investigation of the functionality of these events in vivo has lagged, thereby preventing the elucidation of regulatory mechanisms and further rational pathway engineering. In metabolic engineering, ignoring the engineering of multilayer regulation hinders metabolic flux redistribution. Post-translational engineering, allosteric engineering, and dynamic pathway analyses and control will also contribute to the modulation and control of the metabolism of engineered B. subtilis, ultimately producing the desired cellular traits. We hope this review will aid metabolic engineers in making full use of available systems biology datasets and approaches for the design and perfection of microbial cell factories through global metabolism optimization.

Bacillus subtilis , Engenharia Metabólica , Biologia de Sistemas , Biotecnologia